2024 Distinguished CitizenWHS Class of 1978Education, AuthorProfessional35 books in 39 volumes - 19,000 pages15 national or international awards1.4 million copies in circulationNew Testament editor for the Cultural Backgrounds Study Bible2017 International Book Award for Christianity300 additional articlesHonors/AwardsEditor-in-Chief, Bulletin for Biblical Research 2014-20192020 President of the Evangelical Theological Society2022 Global Teacher of the Year AwardSeminary Professor (1992-present)Lecturing in 26 countriesWith his wife Médine, working together for ethnic reconciliation in the US and internationallyEducationMassillon Washington High School - 1978Evangel University - Bachelor of Arts, Central Bible College - 1982; 2021 Alumnus of the YearAssemblies of God Theological Seminary, Master of Arts - 1985; Master of Divinity - 1987; 2006 Alumnus of the YearDuke University, Doctor of Philosophy - 19912024 Distinguished CitizensCraig KeenerGeorge T. MaierRick SpielmanKevin Miller