2017 Distinguished CitizenWHS Class of 1947Business/Community LeaderProfessionalDirector of MCTV for over 50 yearsHonors/AwardsUnited Way of Western Stark County - Richard A. Yackee Memorial Volunteer Award - 1988Massillon Woman of the Year - Women of the Moose - 1988Massillon Area Chamber of Commerce - J.S. Sandy Sanders Award of Merit - 1993Massillon Area Chamber of Commerce - Harold Bostic Award, Gessner Family - 2004Mary Merwin Award, Gessner Family - 2013Community InvolvementUnited Way Board of Western Stark County - Member and President (1985-1988)United Way Budget Committee - MemberMassillon Community Hospital Board - First Woman on the BoardCommittee for the VIP Party for Glory DaysPrepared Spring Hill to open to the public; developed the docent program and trained volunteersWoman's Board at the Massillon Museum - Member and PresidentMassillon Museum Capital Fund Drive - Co-chairmanEducationWashington High School - 1947Bucknell University - 19512017 Distinguished CitizensSusan R. GessnerPamela Bordner GableLeroy H. SchumacherR. R. Denny Clunk