2019 Distinguished CitizenWHS Class of 1965Educator, Community ServiceProfessionalDedicated 38 years to Massillon City SchoolsTeacher at Edmund A. Jones Junior High School - 1969-1979Chairman, Science Department, Jones Junior High School - 1971-1979Jones Junior High School head football coach and head basketball coach - 1974-1979Assistant principal at Washington High School and Longfellow Junior High School - 1979-1982Principal of Longfellow Junior High School - 1982-1989Director of Title I federal programDirector of Massillon City School District's food services programPrincipal at Emerson Elementary School and Massillon Alternate SchoolSupervisor of Building/Grounds and District Hearing OfficerHonors/AwardsMartha Holden Jennings Foundation Award for Excellence in TeachingHumanitarian Award for EducationCommunity InvolvementPresident, Massillon Tiger Football Booster ClubCo-chair, Massillon Tiger SidelinersChairman, Greater Stark County Urban LeagueChairman, Massillon Urban League Board of DirectorsSecretary, One Tiger, Inc.Chairman, Stark County Enterprise Corporation Board of DirectorsPresident, Massillon Branch of NAACPVice President, Massillon Parks and Recreation BoardChurch TrusteeMassillon Champions' Homecoming CommitteeAffinity Medical Center Community Leadership CouncilBrenda Robinson Scholarship CommitteeMassillon Mayor's Diversity in Safety CommitteeEducationWashington High School - 1965Bluffton University, B.A. - 1969University of Akron, M.A. Education - 19772019 Distinguished CitizensTommy HannonHarry Forgan, Ph.D.Edgar Brockford Herring, Jr.