An Outstanding Drum Major

During the last two seasons of 2017 and 2018, the Massillon football community was treated to one of the more exceptional drum majors and now his story can be told!
Keaton Gibbs ('19) was a sophomore drum major at another school when he first saw the Massillon Tiger Swing Band perform. He knew immediately that he wanted a chance to lead the band as its drum major and thanks to open enrollment he...
Eye on the Tiger - Lori Lightfoot

Making her way into the nation's eye recently is Class of 1980 alumna Lori Lightfoot, who became the mayor of our country's third largest city, Chicago. Quite arguably, Lightfoot is the highest ranking WHS alum in the realm of politics of all time and is already a WHSAA Distinguished Citizen.
While at WHS, Lori was in the Tiger Swing Band, the Pep Club, and was class president. She was...
Eye on the Tiger - Zion Clark

Zion Clark of the WHS Class of 2015 has enjoyed two rounds of national exposure these past few months. He first appeared as a guest on the nationally syndicated television show "Ellen", hosted by Ellen DeGeneres, and again on a segment of the NBC Nightly News spotlighting his wrestling at Kent State University-Tuscarawas.
What makes Zion special is his approach to his wrestling career and...
Whatever happened to Bob Glass?

An Open Letter to Jamir Thomas:
by Denny Highben ('69)
We’ll be talking about the 2018 football season for a long time. It, literally, was one for the history books.
Good luck at Washington State. There will be more than a few Tiger fans staying up late to see Pac 12 games, especially when it is the Cougars’ turn on the television. But before you and all the great Tiger seniors...
Trustee Changes
Board of Trustees Member Passes
The Washington High School Alumni Association Board of Trustees, along with many in the Massillon Tiger athletic boosters and his Class of 1957, were saddened by the unexpected passing of Robert "Bob" Antonille. He was an enthusiastic member of the alumni board offering many suggestions and questions, all along the lines of improving alumni connections. His...